Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just chillin...

Lila and I just catching up on some reading. This was right before she starting gnawing on my arm...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lila's Nursery

Nurseries are so much tidier before the baby is born. Lila, here 's your own special place in the yellow house...
I can attest to our crib manufacturer's guarantee that it will withstand a few hundred pounds. Just don't ask me how I know...

Lila at 3 1/2 Months

Lila is almost four months old and getting so big! I'm not sure how much longer we can squeeze her into her swaddle. When we do though, she looks like like her friend, "Mr. Glow Worm." She loves it! Daddy put together her jumperoo this past week and it quickly made it to her "favorite's list."

My Fitness Blog

I have to laugh because this blog is actually a reconstructed one that I abandoned a few years ago. It used to be my "fitness blog" in which I logged everything I ate when I was on a health kick. Things like egg whites, Cliff's Bars, etc. And it included "before" photos like the one below. So funny, because the blog was abandoned after a short stint of eating like a rabbit and working out like a feen. I would give anything for my "after" photos to look anything close to those "before" photos now. Oh the changes a few years of eating at Checkers and giving birth make on your body! I will spare you the other ridiculous photos and poses. Well, I will spare myself of becoming a complete laughing stock of the blogosphere.

Lila Kate

Lila Kate Martin was born on Oct. 29 and has brought so much joy into our lives. She was born on a Wednesday night, and she surprised us all when she came in at 10 lbs. She was the talk of the hospital and the biggest baby born that day. She is incredibly loved and within one hour of her life she was held by Gigi, Papa, Aunt Kelly, Mimi, Grandpa, Uncle Derek, Aunt Victoria - and of course her proud dad and mom. She was 21.5 inches long. The first night, she slept beside me in the hospital and every time she made a sound I pulled out the bulb suction and made sure nothing was blocking her airway. I was obsessed!

At ten weeks old, she had a routine check up with the doctor and weighed 15 lbs, 8 oz and measured 25.5 inches. She had grown four inches right before our very eyes! Every time I take her out in public people tell me that "she makes their day." I can relate, because she always makes my day! We call her "Smiley Liley" because she hands out smiles like there's no tomorrow.

Her favorite things right now:
- Compliments
- "Little Miss Muffet"
- A good nap in her swaddle
- Sounds of the ocean in her sound machine

About 30 seconds after she was born, actually before her feet were even out yet, my mom declared that she looked just like Clint. And she was right, because some people swear I had nothing to do with bringing that child into the world. If they had been in that delivery room, they would beg to differ!

To catch you up a bit...

I'm starting this blog right in the middle of some very exciting things, so I feel the need to catch you up on some of the major events that have happened thus far. Here are the highlights:

Fell in Love
Married the Boy
Adopted our First Baby
Got "Knocked Up"
Bought Our First House
Fell in Love All Over Again

Although you missed many important details, like the fact that we lived in a trailer for a year that almost fell down every time we did laundry. And, we suffered a miscarriage somewhere in the middle of all that too! But God is good and he has brought us to this moment in time where we can count our losses as gain and praise his name for the every-day miracles.