Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bathroom is All Done!

Our bathroom is all done and we absolutely love it! This morning Clint and I were both getting ready, side by side. I had to reach over and give him a big kiss because I was so excited about our double sinks. We are so happy with the way it turned out.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Has Arrived

Tiffany & Co.

Lila received her first gift from Tiffany & Co. Can we just say this girl is spoiled or what? Her Mimi and Grandpa went to Vegas and brought her back a special gift in a little blue box with white ribbon. It's an adorable heart charm. I can picture her wearing it on her wedding day. Are we getting ahead of ourselves a little bit??

Bathroom Makeover

Before: (and NO, I am not using the bathroom while taking this picture)

Thursday afternoon:

I can't wait to cross off another thing on "The List"

When we bought our house one of the first projects on my list was the bathroom makeover. Our favorite handy man has been hard at work and the finished product should be done by Tuesday. It kind of stinks that he can't work over the weekend because it means we can't use our bathroom! But luckily we do have another tiny bathroom so Clint doesn't have to use a tree and we don't have to bathe Lila in the nearby pond.

I had a great time buying everything for the bathroom at Lowe's last weekend. My mom was a huge help in helping me decide which fixtures to go with. I originally had my eye on a double vanity on Ebay, but the seller wouldn't answer any of my questions. So I said to heck with it and ended up with something way better anyways. And much cheaper!

Be sure to check out the pics of the finished product next week.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Wordle

Check out Wordle at It takes all the words you've used recently in your blog, or other sources, and jumbles them together. The larger the word appears, the more you use it.

I will have to do it again in a few months to see how much it changes. I like "Lila" being nice and big. So, Lila, Lila, Lila, Lila, Lila, Lila, Lila. That should help!

Off the Charts and On Her Belly

Lila is 4 1/2 months now and she had a routine doctor's appointment last week. She is 18 lbs. 5 oz and 26 3/4 inches. They said she was "off the charts" for her we have a big girl on our hands.

The exciting news recently in the yellow house: Lila is rolling over like crazy. On February 27, she rolled over for the first time. It was a Friday and Clint took her to his parents house and I was going to meet them there later. They put Lila on a blanket on her back and then they all went outside to take care of something. When they came back about two minutes later, she was on her tummy just as happy as can be. When I arrived, I demanded to see this in person. Well, she didn't do it, so we decided to all leave the room and just peek around the corner. And sure enough, she rolled right over. Later on, I took her to my parents and we all did the same thing! She was only doing it when she thought no one was in the room, like she was looking around for us. Since then, she's rolled over about a thousand times. She loves being on her belly. I know the doctor says she needs to sleep on her back, but she just isn't having it. The picture above is how we find her after a nap.

I've decided to wait until at least six months to introduce any solids to her diet. She is still very content and I'm just not ready for the mess. Although it will be a lot of fun!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

We Dedicate Her to You

About a month ago, our church held a baby dedication and Clint and I made a promise to pray for Lila and bring her up to have a personal relationship with Him. Lord, I pray that she will know you one day and love you more than anything else. I also pray that she will find a Godly husband. JJ Pike would be ideal, k?

After the dedication, we wanted to have a small family luncheon at the yellow house. Well, when it comes to Clint's family, "small" is just not a word used to describe it. It turned into thirty people! Can you say panic?? We set up tables in our front porch and inside our house and it was such a perfect day.